FANNYYYING ABOUT MAKING FLOWER CROWNS AND TRYING ON MY THRIFTED CLOTHES. And stretching IN THE SUN. It was pretty pleasant. Oh and blogging & instagram-ing as you can quite plainly see.
Found a great video after I made my crown, showing how to make them, and a lot neater than mine, by the most adorable girl in Holland, The Grey Cat Lady ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9h5Y-sAzvc&feature=relmfu) So watch, subscribe, comment, AND make! xxxx
Found a great video after I made my crown, showing how to make them, and a lot neater than mine, by the most adorable girl in Holland, The Grey Cat Lady ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9h5Y-sAzvc&feature=relmfu) So watch, subscribe, comment, AND make! xxxx
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