Monday, 31 October 2011

Competition Winner - Mirror and Moon!!

This beautiful fellow Blogger WON the STUDDED HEADBAND competition!

Congrats babygirl! It will be on its way asap! xxx

Find her Blog here  Don't ya just love her style! I know I do.

Another competition coming up next keep your eyes PEELED(eugh)

Monday, 24 October 2011

Saturday, 22 October 2011

Floral Doc Martens + Ducky Kisses

Hello Chums.
I finally finished these boots after having started them LAST YEAR! Oh my god Ben teased me about not finishing them one too many times, so got it done! Phew. Normally things don't take me THAT long to finish!

What do you think? I'm quite happy with them, considering they were patent baby pink before and I coloured them in with Sharpies!  I was bored of them, and don't really wear pink very often, so I think I've saved myself about £175 which is about how much the sought after Sienna Miller (Generic) Floral Doc Martens have been going for. All I want to say about that is- Come on guys! Get some Originality! Make your own trends! Don't BUY in to the Bullshit! Yes they are pretty and yes its easy to get drawn into a bidding war on ebay, but really?! I'd much rather use that £175 more productively- Buy a pale pair of second hand doc's for a tenth of the price and a packet of Sharpies! Get Creative! Its what the is bloody 90's revival grunge trend is all about. Money doesn't buy you style, it buys you expensive bullshit, which makes you look like everybody else!

I'm a Sexy Statue!

Shaggy Silhouette

Ps. Thanks not abandoning me (I've felt like screaming and smashing my laptop)with the all bloody problems I've been having with fooking URL's and all the computer shite they don't teach you! I've learnt a lot by fucking up, Lets hope its smooth sailing from here on SISTAS!!!!

Psyche! xxxxxx (oh and some Ducky Kisses)

Friday, 21 October 2011

Changing URL = BEWARE!

Wicked, I've tried to fix my mistake of changing my Blog URL without reserching it, but now I've lost all my followers on Bloglovin and have basically fucked ALL my old links to my blog, so now they all go to a redirect page which I've had to set up with my old URL.


<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Friday, 14 October 2011

Competition Time! WIN a Studded Headband!

WOOP WOOP! Who loves Ye? I do thats who!

WIN this STUDDED HEADBAND made by your Sister Of Psyche! Leather with real metal studs!

All you have to do is;
A - Follow me on Blogger/Blogspot/Google thingyinmy gig (whatever you wanna call it)
B - For a extra entry - Follow me on Bloglovin
C - Leave a a comment on this post to say where you are following

...and thats it!

 WINNER will be drawn from one of my many HATS at the end of the month! GOOD LUCK

Love from Your Sister (Psyche)

What is this I hear? New Listings on Etsy!

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Almost Done- Studded Headbands!

I like my hair like this! how BIG are the spikes eh?!
woops lotta cleavage!
I feel like a Gothic Statue of LIBERTY
TA DA!!!!!

First one made is a prototype, think I 'd like to keep at least one-maybe this one, but if not I'll be selling it on ETSY! woop woop! More to come, berets next!!!

Lots to list tomorrow on Etsy after a LONG long day of dressing up and taking pictures, I'm knackered but pleased, here's a few spoilers-
Customised Crushed Velvet Plum Dress
Handmade Sheepskin Collar, Customised Top and Velvet Skirt
Original Sin Tunic
Rolling Stones Spike Tongue Oversized Jumper
Parka with faux Sheepskin lining
Denim Skin-Tight Lip Service Dress
Customised Tartan Biker Jacket
POLKA dot shirt and bow
Handmade Sheepskin Collar
Red Velvet long line Waistcoat

Feedback? xxx

Oh and here's the competition to WIN a STUDDED HEADBAND! yes FREEEEE!!

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Work in Progress....

Finished! Now I just need to do a shoot with it on.
Adding leather studded cross to velvet dress, not attached yet.

Hmmmm Crushed Velvet & Crosses, I'm in heaven!
Any Opinions/Suggestion much appreciated!

Love, Your Sister (Psyche!)xxx
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